Sen Tak

Soft Vessel

Today the sleekest item in glossy material on one hand is desirable, while there is a craving for skin-friendly soft materials. I believe the dichotomy of desire stems from the disparity between the speed of creation and the rate of absorption. Technology is evolving at a fast rate, which has far exceeded the pace of evolution, and we’re not evolving as fast as our creation.

Tactile traits and history of familiarity of textiles are potent to support both ends of the dichotomy. However, the repetition of design applications of textiles only as covering or softening agents creates a realm of the preconception that the textile itself is incomplete and insufficient without hard components. What is an incarnation of natural strength and ability of knitted textiles?

This project aims to focus on the essence of knitted textiles and subsequent three-dimensional forms derived from these qualities to attain self-reliance. The objective is to challenge preconceived notions of textiles and elevate their role from passive to active.


Peipei Wang