Vivien Carolyn Reinert


Vivien Carolyn Reinert came to London from Germany to follow her dream to fill this world with colorful and bold art. Her final project is stimulated by two different sources: public toilets as an act of retreating, and her travels to Japan and South Korea.

Lavatories provide an isolated space for people to voice their opinions and thoughts, often expressed as vandalisms. Inspired and intrigued by the way the public lavatory creates a space for people to be themselves in public while stripping off their clothes--both in a literal and poetic sense, Vivien posted a series of surveys around public toilets. The honest answers from these surveys formed the basis of her project.

As well, the cultural differences and language barrier Vivien was facing on her own journey gave her a similar experience of being left alone.

This led her to amalgam the two inspirations together while bringing the architectural patterns, colors, street signs of Seoul, Busan, and Tokyo into her project, as well. The outcome is a blend; layers of fabrics that can be attached to one another in a desired way--to be worn on the body or hung in a space.


Woo Jin Joo


Tae Ri Kim