Patricia Mascarell Llombart
How much information does a wall contain?
We could say that the architecture we live in is, in a way, predictable. It behaves like a paternal figure, wanting to overprotect the user by leaving no space for the unknown; no room for real interaction. We just need to take a look at an average floor plan and, even without the furniture being drawn in, we can guess the function of every space of the house. How would it be a way of constructing that goes beyond aesthetic and functionality? A system that once is out there, you can’t fully control it but inhabit it. A plain weave drawing possibilities, creating space for dialogues between my thoughts and my way of living. At the end: our patterns, as characteristic components of our beings, are rooms belonging to a much more complex architecture where all things happen.
something about your self
Having studied Architecture in the past raised my concern about spaces, but it was my art studies which opened up my approach to them.
My work intends to flow through art, architecture and design, always blurring and challenging the boundaries in between them. My projects always talk about different forms of spaces, from the abstract to the formal, the material to the conceptual, the individual to the collective. They all approach my own ideas of the unknown while describing a pattern; a way of hacking a system while finding my own critical position.