Sabrina Kindervater
I Have a Lot to Express
This work is an exploration of personal experiences through textile collage. It is type of visual diary that holds many characteristics of my life and repeated circumstances or happenings while they remain anonymous or unspecified to the viewer due to the more abstracted way they are presented. An evolution occurs from abstract forms to embroidered figures to printed ones as a representation of significant personal development or a change in mindset. Screen printing allowed for the accumulation of a set of characters which became representative of a specific person in my life, an action that people do, or a type of feeling. Repeated, running stitches on many pages emphasize the interaction between characters. On the back sides, they become an imprint of the experience or aspect of life after the specific occurrences, as more vague memories or experiences remain a permanent part of you. The book format gives the viewer intimate access to both sides of each narrative and contrasts their busy and dynamic energy with a plain, dark encasing as I am often quiet and reluctant to share while internally, I have a lot to express.